"The Organization was established in December 1951 and began its operations in early 1952 as the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration. Its Constitution was adopted on 19 October 1953 and came into force on 30 November 1954. Amendments were made to the Constitution, effective 14 November 1989, and the Organization was renamed the International Organization for Migration. The Organization possesses full juridical personality and has its Headquarters in Geneva. It currently has 125 member states".
"The Organization's organs are the Council, the Executive Committee and the Administration. IOM is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society".
Some actions in the international community of the IOM:
- Assist in growing in migration management.
- Advance over the issues of migration.
- Promote social and economic development based on migration proccesses.
- Help in the support of the human dignity and well-being of all migrants around the world.
"Women migrant workers"
Even though population movements are a gender-neutral process, they are strongly related to if you are a women or a men because of different reasons like the use of different channels to do it and the different experiences they have. Also the social context, within which migration takes place, is based on family relations or social relationships everyone has. This, in turn, strongly influences migration behaviour, and also affects the experiences men and women are going to have in their process of migrate. In the decision of an individual to migrate or not also illustrates why it is important to consider gender issues when considering and formulating migration policy options, regardless of whether these focus on immigration, family reunification, labour migration, resettlement or asylum.
In the international scene there a re a lot of research of the issues related to the women migration also in a feminist and developmental perspective. Some of the theories find out of the research in the IOM are:
- "The first two theories evolved from simply following the approach "add women, mix, and stir" without reflecting on societal roles and relationships between men and women as well as on the impact of the variable of "power relations" to an analysis that included a gender dimension.On the other hand, in the Gender and Development theory, the analysis starts by assuming that the behaviour, roles, and relations between men and women are conditioned by societal structures and expectations, and therefore have to be addressed as a totality and not in isolation".
- "Gender and Development theory attempts to put the position of men and women on an equal footing and seeks to examine the impact of different programmes and policies on both sexes".
Obtenido de: http://www.iom.int/jahia/jsp/index.jsp
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